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"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

Female | Irish | Research - AHSS

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 58has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

Female | Irish | Academic - AHSS

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 57has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

Female | American (inc. American-Irish) | Administration

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 56has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

male | Irish | Research - AHSS

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 55has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

female | Irish | Technical - STEMM

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 54has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

Male | Irish | Technical - STEMM

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 53has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

female | Irish | Research - STEMM

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 52has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

male | Irish | Academic - STEMM

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 51has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

Female | Irish | Administration

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 50has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

male | Irish | Research - STEMM

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 49has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

male | American (inc. American-Irish) | Research - STEMM

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 48has no cover

"These interview transcripts were collected as part of the IRC-funded project: Equality of opportunity in practice: studies in working, learning, and caring. Higher education is a social site experiencing major social change with increasing privatization and commercialization,

male | Irish | Administrative and Academic

Object type is text   Text
Object Interview 47has no cover