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Photograph of Abortion Rights Campaign open meeting, which took place in the Teachers' Club, Dublin, in 2015.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object ARC open meeting, 2015has no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: Polling information sheet June 2015-January 2016has no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: Polls summary September 2015has no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: Policy submission to Right2Waterhas no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: Position Paper - Contextualising the ‘Canadian model’has no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: What is the Eighth Amendment?has no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: Submission to CESCRhas no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: Letters to Political Representatives 2015has no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Trade Union Campaign Repeal the Eighth: Abortion and the Workplacehas no cover

The Coalition to Repeal the Eighth was a broad umbrella organisation intended to bring together a wide range of civil society organisations that supported the repeal of the Eighth Amendment between 2010 and 2018. The Coalition was one of the three organisations that made up Toget

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

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Object Coalition to Repeal the Eighth: Information Pack 2015has no cover