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Photographs taken on the national tour carried out by the Together for Yes campaign in the final weeks of the referendum campaign in May 2018. Volunteers travelled around the country by van and met local Together for Yes groups. Representatives from the local and national campaig

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object Photographs from Together for Yes National Tour - Corkhas no cover

Photographs taken on the national tour carried out by the Together for Yes campaign in the final weeks of the referendum campaign in May 2018. Volunteers travelled around the country by van and met local Together for Yes groups. Representatives from the local and national campaig

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object Photographs from Together for Yes National Tour - Donegalhas no cover

Photographs taken on the national tour carried out by the Together for Yes campaign in the final weeks of the referendum campaign in May 2018. Volunteers travelled around the country by van and met local Together for Yes groups. Representatives from the local and national campaig

Abortion services | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object Photograph from Together for Yes National Tour - Kerryhas no cover