Oral history interview of Kieran Rose
![Object Oral history interview of Kieran Rosehas no cover picture](/assets/dri/formats/audio-9e0fd5bd9794582ff9cd50866abf27b3552298a6670a319c97f30f9557b2a962.png)
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--LGBTQ people
![Object type is audio](/assets/dri/formats/audio_icon-82f4753a817a4902ae54b19b380053c44587f8cb05668baa900e6791603aed09.png)
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--LGBTQ people
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--LGBTQ people
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--LGBTQ people
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--LGBTQ people
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Ignacio Campoy Cervera | Curated collection--Human rights
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Stephanie Ortoleva | Curated collection--Human rights
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Stephanie Ortoleva | Curated collection--Human rights
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Ignacio Campoy Cervera | Curated collection--Human rights
Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--Disability | Curated collection--Christina Burke
Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--Disability | Curated collection--Christina Burke
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--Reconciliation
Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Human rights | Curated collection--Reconciliation