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Pencil drawing for unidentified three-light stained glass window featuring Irish saints, with scenes from the lives of the saints at the base. Signatures/ Inscriptions: Initials at the bottom of each panel, in pencil: ‘WD’ [William Dowling]

Drawing--Ireland | Stained glass windows | Saints--Ireland

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Object SS. Brigid, Columbanus and Dympnacover

Pencil drawing for unidentified two-light stained glass window of SS. Ita with three jewels overhead and Brigid holding crozier and church, with oakleaf overhead and accompanied by a calf. Base: Ita is presented with jewels by an angel; Brigid feeds the poor. Tracery: Chalice and

Drawing--Ireland | Stained glass windows | Women saints

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Object SS. Ita and Brigidcover