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In the lestter it states that ‘We take it for granted that the proposed grant from the [Irish Government will not be forthcoming, at any rate for say twelve months, and if this be so we propose approaching the Court, requesting permission to pay the sum due to the Board of Works.

20th century | World War, 1914-1918 | Irish National War Memorial

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Object Suggested letter to Mr. de Valera [from the Irish National War Memorial Committee].cover

‘Mr. Kennedy, one of Mr. de Valera’s secretaries, rang up Mr. Brew today. Told him that be brought Mr. Connolly [A.P. Connolly, Area Chairman, British Legion] yesterday to see Mr. de Valera….Mr. de Valera said that if the British Legion insisted on holding a meeting on 30 July,

20th century | World War, 1914-1918 | Irish National War Memorial

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Object Note of contents of telephone call [unsigned]cover

In the absence of Andrew Jameson, Captain Robertson, Vivien Brew-Mulhallen and Miss Wilson met Eamon de Valera. He had postponed the opening of the Memorial Park because he thought a ceremony such as the British Legion had contemplated was inadvisable with affairs at present. T

20th century | World War, 1914-1918 | Irish National War Memorial

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Object Report of Meeting between Mr. de Valera and the Memorial Trustees on 10 May 1939.cover