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Morning Ireland, February 9th 1987. Donal Kelly reports on Fianna Fáil's tax policy. Fianna Fáil has accused Fine Gael of poaching elements of their policy. In Tralee, chances of supporting Fianna Fáil in the event of a hung Dáil in the next election faded as Labour leader Dick S

Fianna Fáil | Charles Haughey | Labour

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Object Party Leaders Attack Fianna Fáil's Policiescover

The leader of the Fine Gael party Garret Fitzgerald is shown taking a scheduled train to Cork city, appearing on local radio and greeting the people of Cork. The canvassing continues in Tralee, County Kerry where the Fine Gael members encounter Dick Spring leader of the Labour Pa

General Election November 1982 | Garret Fitzgerald | Fine Gael

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Object Garret Fitzgerald Takes the Traincover