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This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of a Middle Bronze Age burnt stone spread, troughs, pits, and modern linear features at Ballygullen 4 (E4203), on the route of the proposed M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co. Wexford (NGR 310448 154050) (F

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4203 Ballygullen 4, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of a Late Bronze Age burnt stone spread, trough and stake-holes, pits and post-holes, and a palaeochannel at Carrigeen 1 (E4256), on the route of the proposed M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co. Wexford (NG

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4256 Carrigeen 1, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of undated burnt stone spread deposits - a trough and stake-hole structure, pits and a posts-hole; and a post-medieval drain, (E4281) Toom 3, on the route of the proposed M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co.

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4281 Toom 3, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of an Early Bronze Age burnt stone spread, trough and stake-holes, and a post-medieval drain at Monroe 5 (E4272), on the route of the proposed M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co. Wexford (NGR 299732 135714)

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4272 Monroe 5, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of undated burnt stone material and associated features at Mountgeorge 1 (E4178), on the route of the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Mountgeorge, Co. Wexford (NGR 306317 148345) (Fig. 1). The excavation de

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4178 Mountgeorge 1, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of Late Bronze Age troughs, pits, burnt stone deposits and a linear feature at Ballymore 1(E4265), on the route of the proposed M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co. Wexford (NGR 307979 149920) (Fig. 1). The

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4265 Ballymore 1, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of a large Middle Bronze Ageburnt stone spread with two associated wood-lined troughs and three pits, an earlier palaeochannel andlater post-medieval furrows at Scurlocksbush 5 (E4214), on the route of the M

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4214 Scurlocksbush 5, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of a sub-rectangular trough,three pits filled with burnt stone material and remnants of a small burnt stone spread at Moyne Middle4 (E4209), on the route of the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co. Wexford (

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4209 Moyne Middle 4, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of Late Bronze Age troughs and stake-holes, possible pits, and burnt stone deposits, on the route of the proposed M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Knockavocka 2 (E4259), Co. Wexford (NGR 304255 146711) (Fig.

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4259 Knockavocka 2, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of burnt deposits, four pits anda stake-hole, dated to the Late Iron Age / early medieval and medieval periods, at Moyne Middle 1(E4206) on the route of the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co. Wexford (NGR

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4206 Moyne Middle 1, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of a small undated burnt stone spread and field drain at Coolnahorna 4 (E4348) on the route of the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Scheme, Co. Wexford (NGR 297848 144054) (Fig. 1). The excavation described here for

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4348 Coolnahorna 4, County Wexford.cover

This report documents the final results of the archaeological excavation of a Middle to Late Bronze Age burnt stone spread, trough, stake-holes, pits and post-hole; and post-medieval or modern ditches, drains, furrows and pit, at Templescoby 2 (E4199), on the route of the propose

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, E4199 Templescoby 2, County Wexford.cover