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A series of short videos created by Together for Yes for sharing on social media, on the theme 'Start the conversation' - encouraging voters to talk to friends and family about voting on 25 May 2018.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video   Video
Object Together for Yes Social Media Videos: Start the conversationcover

A series of short videos and GIFs created by Together for Yes for sharing on social media, on the theme 'Get out and vote' - encouraging voters to go to the polls on 25 May 2018.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Together for Yes Social Media Videos: Get out and vote!cover

A series of short videos created by Together for Yes for sharing on social media, featuring animations of the numbers of people who travelled from some counties in Ireland to access abortion in 2016.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video   Video
Object Together for Yes Social Media Videos: Numbers travelling, by countycover

A series of short videos created by Together for Yes for sharing on social media, featuring images of celebrities alongside text from their quotes about voting in the referendum. People featured include: 001 - Aoibhínn Ní Shúilleabháin, academic and science broadcaster 002 - Chri

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law—Ireland—The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video   Video
Object Together for Yes Social Media Videos: Celebrity Quotescover

Videos of readings of four pieces by writer Alison Hackett, as part of a Writers for Yes campaign. The readings include: 001: Letter to the Editor: 'Time to air a dirty little Irish secret', published in the Irish Examiner on 27 October 2016. 002: Letter to the Editor: 'Emotive A

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law--Ireland--The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video   Video
Object Together for Yes Videos: Writers for Yes readingscover

Photographs and videos of novelty Yes badge photoshoot, Merrion Square, Dublin. This photograph assembled a large number of Together for Yes volunteers, including campaign directors and managers, for a publicity photoshoot featuring an enormous novelty badge in the design of Toge

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law--Ireland--The Eighth Amendment

Object type is image Object type is video   Mixed Types
Object Together for Yes Photos: Huge Yes badge photocallcover

Videos of vox pop interviews with members of the public who explain their reasons for voting Yes.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law--Ireland--The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video   Video
Object Together for Yes Video: Vox Pop interviewscover

Video of calls to vote Yes by the late Vicky Phelan (1974-2022), made for Together for Yes. Vicky discusses the importance of valuing women and women's health, referring to her own experience with Cervical Check Ireland.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law--Ireland--The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video   Video
Object Together for Yes Video: Vicky Phelan interviewscover

Videos created by Together for Yes for a publicity campaign: She Lives on your Street. The campaign highlighted the everyday nature of abortion, explaining that women who have abortion are ordinary people who 'live on your street'.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law--Ireland--The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video   Video
Object Together for Yes Videos: She Lives on Your Street campaigncover

Videos and photos of Run for Yes publicity event held on May 16th on Sandymount Strand, Dublin.

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law--Ireland--The Eighth Amendment

Object type is video Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Together for Yes: Run for Yes publicity eventcover