Photograph of the left side of stone axe (ISAP 01895) from Clonmore, Co. Carlow, from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1899:5). Macro-ID - Dolerite. Micro-ID - Dolerite I. Petrology - Fine grained intermediate/acid hypabyssal. Light coloured. Description - Sides rounded. Sligh
Axe | Dolerite
Photograph of face 2 of stone axe (ISAP 01895) from Clonmore, Co. Carlow, from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1899:5). Macro-ID - Dolerite. Micro-ID - Dolerite I. Petrology - Fine grained intermediate/acid hypabyssal. Light coloured. Description - Sides rounded. Slight junct
Axe | Dolerite
Photograph of face 1 of stone axe (ISAP 01895) from Clonmore, Co. Carlow, from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1899:5). Macro-ID - Dolerite. Micro-ID - Dolerite I. Petrology - Fine grained intermediate/acid hypabyssal. Light coloured. Description - Sides rounded. Slight junct
Axe | Dolerite
Photograph of the left side of stone axe (ISAP 01893) from Clogrenan, Co. Carlow, from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1959:736). Macro-ID - Dolerite*Sandstone. Micro-ID - Dolerite U. Petrology - Chalky buff creamy coarse clayey sediment. Description - Sides rounded. Clear ro
Axe | Dolerite*Sandstone
Photograph of face 2 of stone axe (ISAP 01893) from Clogrenan, Co. Carlow, from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1959:736). Macro-ID - Dolerite*Sandstone. Micro-ID - Dolerite U. Petrology - Chalky buff creamy coarse clayey sediment. Description - Sides rounded. Clear round jun
Axe | Dolerite*Sandstone
Photograph of face 1 of stone axe (ISAP 01893) from Clogrenan, Co. Carlow, from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1959:736). Macro-ID - Dolerite*Sandstone. Micro-ID - Dolerite U. Petrology - Chalky buff creamy coarse clayey sediment. Description - Sides rounded. Clear round jun
Axe | Dolerite*Sandstone
Photograph of the right side of stone axe (ISAP 01890) from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1970:155), from Carrickslaney Co. Carlow. Description- Sides: Both broad rounded. Junctions of sides with edge present. Junctions of sides with butt present. One to two small remnant p
axe | Andesite
Photograph of face 2 of stone axe (ISAP 01890) from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1970:155), from Carrickslaney Co. Carlow. Description- Sides: Both broad rounded. Junctions of sides with edge present. Junctions of sides with butt present. One to two small remnant peck/flak
axe | Andesite
Photograph of face 1 of stone axe (ISAP 01890) from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1970:155), from Carrickslaney Co. Carlow. Description- Sides: Both broad rounded. Junctions of sides with edge present. Junctions of sides with butt present. One to two small remnant peck/flak
axe | Andesite