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The complexities of prison life at Frongoch are contextualised and interpreted by Dr. Darragh Gannon, National Museum of Ireland.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Writing the Revolution | Prisoners--customs and practices

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Object Frongoch and 1916: Writing the Revolutionhas no cover

The important role played by cultural pursuits in the lives of Frongoch internees is contextualised and interpreted in this essay by archaeologist Dr. Joanna Brück, Reader in Archaeology at the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Bristol, who has been excava

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Representing the Revolution | Handicraft

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Object Frongoch and 1916: Representing the Revolutionhas no cover

Dr. William Murphy, lecturer at the School of History and Geography, Dublin City University, outlines the history behind the establishment of a detention camp for Irish rebels in the rural village of Frongoch in north Wales,and explores the stories of some of the men held there.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Enemies of the Crown | Internment camps

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Object Frongoch and 1916: Enemies of the Crownhas no cover

Johnnie Roberts was a guard and canteen worker at Frongoch Internment Camp; he was there during the time that the Irish prisoners were detained, and also worked in the camp canteen. He was only 17 years at the time.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Internment camps | Curated Collection--Representing the Revolution

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Object Personal account of Frongoch Guard Johnnie Robertshas no cover

Prisoners in Frongoch Internment Camp, shown in a wide shot taken from outside to the camp which emphasises the perimeter fences.

World War, 1914-1918--prisoners--German | Internment camps | Curated Collection--Representing the Revolution

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Object Prisoners at Frongoch camp, Merionethshire, 1914-18has no cover