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Note on text of establishment of consular services, also known as decree number 4, 18 June 1919. Note outlines text of decree and states that no original of the decree is held on file. Note by [Michael McDunphy, Assistant Secretary to the Executive Council], 5 May 1933.

McDunphy, Michael, 1890-1971 | Dáil Éireann | Ireland--History--1910-1921

Object type is text Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Copy of Dáil Éireann decree number 4.has no cover

Note on text of provision of land, also known as decree number 5, 18 June 1919. Note outlines text of decree and states that no original of the decree is held on file. Note by [Michael McDunphy, Assistant Secretary to the Executive Council], 5 May 1933.

McDunphy, Michael, 1890-1971 | Dáil Éireann | Ireland--History--1910-1921

Object type is text Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Copy of Dáil Éireann decree number 5.has no cover

Note on text of National Arbitration Courts, also known as decree number 8, 18 June 1919. Note outlines text of decree and states that no original of the decree is held on file. Note by [Michael McDunphy, Assistant Secretary to the Executive Council], 5 May 1933.

McDunphy, Michael, 1890-1971 | Dáil Éireann | Ireland--History--1910-1921

Object type is image Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Copy of Dáil Éireann decree number 8.has no cover

Note on text of fisheries, also known as decree number 7, 18 June 1919. Note outlines text of decree and states that no original of the decree is held on file. Note by [Michael McDunphy, Assistant Secretary to the Executive Council], 5 May 1933.

McDunphy, Michael, 1890-1971 | Dáil Éireann | Ireland--History--1910-1921

Object type is image Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Copy of Dáil Éireann decree number 7.has no cover

Note on text of Industrial Committee of Enquiry, also known as decree number 8, 18 June 1919. Note outlines text of decree and states that no original of the decree is held on file. Note by [Michael McDunphy, Assistant Secretary to the Executive Council], 5 May 1933.

McDunphy, Michael, 1890-1971 | Dáil Éireann | Ireland--History--1910-1921

Object type is text Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Copy of Dáil Éireann decree number 10.has no cover