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This review paper discusses how Tellus and Tellus Border soil and stream geochemistry data have been used to investigate the spatial relationship between certain diseases and levels of potentially harmful elements (PHEs) in soils and water. The research hypothesis is that long-te

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 26. Combining environmental and medical data sets to explore potential associations between environmental factors and health: policy implications for human health risk assessmentshas no cover

Soil geochemistry may be applied in the science of geoforensics in two ways: to establish the provenance of samples and to inform the question of sample variability. Tellus data can assist in answering on a broad scale the provenance question, ‘where may this sample have come fro

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 30. Spatial distribution of soil geochemistry in geoforensicshas no cover