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An oval shaped enclosure was excavated in the townland of Kilsharvan measuring 32.8m in diameter. Over 65% of the enclosure was exposed within the proposed motorway corridor, the remainder lay between the motorway and the Crufty raod to the northeast. No entrance was exposed, but

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0191 Kilsharvan 16 Final Report, County Meath.cover

The site was exposed between chainages 18700 and 18600 in the eastern portion of the proposed motorway in the townland of Shallon. Four pottery sherds were recovered from the topsoil, two post-medieval earthenware sherds (01E0195:001:3-4_ and two of Late Medieval date (01E0195:00

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0195 Shallon 1, County Meath.cover