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Monitoring of topsoil stripping over an area south of Platin Fort and north of Beymore Road revealed a series of charcoal spreads and possible cut features, including a field drain in a hollow within the roads take corridor south of limestone ridge Platin 3. Excavation of Platin

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0338 Platin 2, County Meath.cover

Archaeological assessment was undertaken on a limestone ridge immediately south of Platin Fort in advance of topsoil removal for construction of the M1 Northern Motorway (Contract 7). The reason for the assessment was to establish the presence or absence of archaeological deposit

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

Object type is text   Text
Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0339 Platin 3, County Meath.cover