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Black and white photo strip image of three well-dressed businessmen from Jacob's Biscuit Factory carrying folders and talking at an event. In the centre can be seen Gordon Lambert, former managing Director of Jacob's Biscuit Factory.

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Object Gordon Lambert speaking with other Jacob's businessmenhas no cover

Black and white photo strip image of two men and one woman studying a 3D exhibit at a modern art exhibition. Standing in the middle is Gordon Lambert, former Managing Director of Jacob's Biscuit Factory.

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Object Art exhibition attendees looking at a 3D exhibithas no cover

Black and white photo strip image of three people standing beside a 3D exhibit at a modern art exhibition. A woman wearing a long patterned dress and a white jacket can be seen in the background while to the right are two men holding drinks and chatting. The man in the suit on th

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Object Gordon Lambert talking to a male attendee at a modern art exhibitionhas no cover

Black and white photo strip image of a man and a woman standing and chatting at a modern art exhibition. Both are holding drinks and brochures in their hands. The man is dressed in a suit and the woman is wearing a long skirt and a large, dark jacket.

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Object Two people in conversation and attending an art exhibitionhas no cover