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Audio clips from Cohort A (born 1916 - 1934) from the Life Histories and Social Change project. Clips were extracted from qualitative life story interviews that were conducted betw

Irish Qualitative Data Archive

Objects (41)
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Full-length interview transcripts from Cohort A (born 1916 - 1934) of the Life Histories and Social Change project. These qualitative life story interviews were conducted between 2

Irish Qualitative Data Archive

Objects (37)
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Audio clips from Cohort B (born 1945 - 1954) from the Life Histories and Social Change project. Clips were extracted from qualitative life story interviews that were conducted betw

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (53)
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Full-length interview transcripts from Cohort B (born 1945 - 1954) of the Life Histories and Social Change project. This is a collection of qualitative life story interviews that w

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (35)
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Collection of audio clips from Cohort C (born 1965 - 1974) from the Life Histories and Social Change project. Clips were extracted from qualitative life story interviews that were

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (18)
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Full-length interview transcripts from Cohort C (born 1965 - 1974) of the Life Histories and Social Change project. These qualitative life story interviews were conducted between 2

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (23)
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