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Postcard of Liberty Hall

Object Postcard of Liberty Hallcover picture

Curated Collection--Impact of the Rising | Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Buildings--Blast effects

Object type is image   Image

Postcard of Henry Street

Object Postcard of Henry Streetcover picture

Curated Collection--Impact of the Rising | Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Buildings--Blast effects

Object type is image   Image

Postcard of Liberty Hall

Object Postcard of Liberty Hallcover picture

Curated Collection--Impact of the Rising | Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Buildings--Blast effects

Object type is image   Image

Postcard of Eden Quay

Object Postcard of Eden Quaycover picture

Curated Collection--Impact of the Rising | Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Buildings--Blast effects

Object type is image   Image