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Spreadsheet and PDF of Together for Yes Vote Tally: Galway city and county

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Constitutional law--Ireland--The Eighth Amendment

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A document outlining Abortion Access Campaign West's response to the proposed legislation on abortion access to follow repeal the of Eighth Amendment. The document l;ists the heads of bill of the proposed legislation and notes whether AACW agrees or disagrees with the item in que

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object List of issues - AAC West position on proposed legislationhas no cover

Poster for a public meeting held in Galway on 1 October 2018 by Abortion Access Campaign West, formally launching the campaign. 

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object Poster for AACW public meetinghas no cover

Information document about Abortion Access Campaign West, sent to the Galway City Community Network Newletter. AAC West.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object AAC West Information Documenthas no cover

A document submitted by Abortion Access Campaign West to the public consulation held by the Department of Health as part of the scheduled review of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregancy) Act. The submission was written in 2021 and submitted in January 2022.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object AAC West submission on review of Health Acthas no cover

Results of a survey Abortion Access Campaign West carried out during the Irish general election of February 2018, asking candidates running for election or re-election what their positions were on a number of pro-choice questions. The questions include the candidate's position on

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object AACW poll of politicians resultshas no cover

Poster for event held on 12 June 2019 by Abortion Access Campaign West, launching booklet ‘How to get an Abortion in Ireland’.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object Poster for AACW booklet launchhas no cover

Abortion Access Campaign West Position Paper on the 2018 ‘Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy Bill’. The paper outlines AACW's position on the proposed legislation.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object AAC West Position Paperhas no cover

Flyer for public meeting held by AAC West on 1 October 2018, providing information about the Health (Termination of Pregnancy) Bill, which at the time was being debated in the Oireachtas.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object Flyer for AACW public meetinghas no cover

Document describing the structure of Abortion Access Campaign West, its polices and aims.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object AAC West structure documenthas no cover