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Site O at Kill townland was excavated as part of the resolution of archaeological sites on the route of the N7 Heath-Mayfield Motorway Scheme. The site was identified during centreline test trenching as a possible archaeological feature. It was excavated by John Channing under Li

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 03E0635 Site O Kill, County Kildare.has no cover

The site was located close to the River Glash on the outskirts of Broadford village, County Kildare. It was identified during testing as a possible timber-lined trough characterised by a dark band of charcoal surrounding a brownish-grey deposit. Excavation of the feature revealed

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 02E1087 Ballyonan 1, County Kildare.has no cover

Eighteen sites were found during archaeological monitoring of the M4 Celbridge Interchange Scheme. The scheme was approximately 4km in length and ran through gently undulating land with a mixture of arable, pasture and woodland. Known Recorded Monuments in the immediate area incl

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E1225 site 18 Collinstown, County Kildare.has no cover