Organised by the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment, an International Women’s Day March took place on Thursday 8th March 2018. Participants assembled at the Garden of Remembr
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Organised by the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment, an International Women’s Day March took place on Thursday 8th March 2018. Participants assembled at the Garden of Remembr
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Photographs by Jennifer Winder Baggot of participants preparing for the International Women's Day March. 17 files; JPG 20180308 Getting Ready JWB 1 IE/NIVAL ACREA/EV/007/02/J
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Photographs by Karl Leonard of the International Women's Day March. 72 files; JPG 20180308 IWD March KL Garret Phelan Louise Neiland Adam Gibney Ger Philpott 1 IE/NIVAL ACREA
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Photographs, miscellaneous by Suzanne Walsh and unknown photographers. 8 files; JPG 20180308 IWD Cork placard 1 IE/NIVAL ACREA/EV/007/02/MISC/01 JPG 20180308 arc pic 2 IE/N
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Photographs by Theo Dorgan of the International Women's Day March. 32 files; JPG 20180308 IWD March TD 1 IE/NIVAL ACREA/EV/007/02/TD/01 - JPG 20180308 IWD March TD 32 IE/NI
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Photographs from various photographers documenting the March held on 8th March 2018, International Women’s Day. IE/NIVAL ACREA/EV/007/02/JWB Photographer Jennifer Winder Baggot
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Press and social media materials for the International Women's Day March held on 8th March 2018. 12 files; PDF 20180308 IWD 2018 March Info IE/NIVAL ACREA/EV/007/01/01 PDF
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Organised by the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC), the 5th annual March for Choice took place on Saturday 24th September 2016. Participants assembled at the Garden of Remembrance on
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Photographs from the March for Choice 2016 by Alison Laredo and an unknown photographer. 8 JPG files; March for Choice 2016 Alison Laredo IE/NIVAL ACREA/EV/002/02/01-05 Ma
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Documents and images published on social media to promote the March for Choice 2016. 26 files; Various branded images and documents used on Social Media IE/NIVAL ACREA/EV/00
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The Artists’ Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment was invited by the Abortion Rights Campaign to sing at the 5th March for Choice. Commissioned by Vaari Claffey, a new version o
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Organised by the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC), the 6th annual March for Choice took place on Saturday 30th September 2017. Participants assembled at the Garden of Remembrance on
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