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A modern field drain and a single clay and charcoal deposit were exposed on site. The modern field drain ran northwest-southeast across the site and measured 0.29m in width. The clay and charcoal deposit was exposed 0.9m to the south of the modern field drain and consisted of an

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0187 Kilsharvan 12, County Meath.has no cover

One pit and two possible pits/ postholes were exposed. The sub oval shaped pit measured 0.6m in diameter to a depth of 0.18m and was filled with a mid grey- brown coloured sandy clay. The two possible pits/ postholes were exposed a short distance to the southeast of the oval pit.

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0193 Kilsharvan 18, County Meath.has no cover

The only archaeological feature exposed on site consisted of a long oval shaped area containing occasional charcoal flecks above the orange sandy boulder clay. This area measured 5.06m in length, and a maximum of 0.8m to a minimum of 0.27m in width. This feature may represent a d

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0181 Kilsharvan 6, County Meath.has no cover

A single deposit of clay and charcoal was exposed a short distance to the southeast of the Bronze Age possible settlement/ ritual site at Kilsharvan 5. It measured 1.2m in lenght, 1.0m in width and 0.06m in depth (34.428m O.D.) and lay directly above the sandly boulder clay. No f

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0182 Kilsharvan 7 Final Report, County Meath.has no cover

A single oval shaped pit was exposed on site. This pit measured 1.34m in lenght, 1.0m in width and 0.2m in depth and contained long sloping sides to the north, east and west becoming more vertical to the east, extending to a sloping base. It was filled with a soft mid grey silty

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0188 Kilsharvan 13 Final Report, County Meath.has no cover