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Rising in the Regions

Object Rising in the Regionscover picture

Curated Collection--Rising in the Regions | Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Revolutionaries

Object type is text   Text

Roger Casement Letter

Object Roger Casement Lettercover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015 | Revolutionaries

Object type is image   Image

Roger Casement Letter

Object Roger Casement Lettercover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015 | Revolutionaries

Object type is image   Image

Roger Casement Letter

Object Roger Casement Lettercover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015 | Revolutionaries

Object type is image   Image

Photograph of Simon Quigley

Object Photograph of Simon Quigleycover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Paramilitary forces--Irish Republican Army | Ireland--History--War of Independence, 1919-1921

Object type is image   Image

Letter Jo O'Connell

Object Letter Jo O'Connellcover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015 | Curated Collection--Enemies of the Crown

Object type is text   Text

Letter Mortimer O'Connell

Object Letter Mortimer O'Connellcover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015 | Curated Collection--Enemies of the Crown

Object type is image   Image

Photograph of Mary C. Bromage (1928)

Object Photograph of Mary C. Bromage (1928)cover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection—New York Collection Day Apr. 17 2016 | De Valera, Éamon (‘Dev’) (1882–1975)

Object type is image   Image

Photograph of Mary C. Bromage (1925)

Object Photograph of Mary C. Bromage (1925)cover picture

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection—New York Collection Day Apr. 17 2016 | De Valera, Éamon (‘Dev’) (1882–1975)

Object type is image   Image