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Report on the Julian Fellowship, formed in Cork in February 1991, to offer care, friendship and prayer to Christian lesbians through monthly meetings.

Christian lesbians | Lesbian Spirituality | Christianity

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Object Julian Fellowship Corkhas no cover

This magnificent Book of Hours (Use of Paris) was executed for Prigent de Coëtivy (1400-50), who was Admiral of France and, next to the Duc de Berry, one of the greatest book-collectors of the period. The 148 miniatures are mainly attributed to the 'Master of the Duke of Be

A Sense of Freedom | Coëtivy, Prignet de, 1400-1450 | Illumination of books and manuscripts

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Object Virgin and Child from The Coëtivy Book of Hours has no cover

The historiated initial ‘I’ marks the beginning of the Book of Genesis: In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram, or ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’. Each line of text is written in decreasing size, a decorative technique known as diminuendo. The

A Sense of Place | Creation | Biblical cosmology

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Object Historiated initial 'I' from the Walsingham Bible.has no cover

This folio from a vellum codex contains the Coptic version in the Sahidic dialect of a collection of rules relating to church discipline ascribed to St Basil. Basil the Great (born c.300), bishop of Caesarea, was an important early theologian as well as one of the fathers of comm

A Sense of Identity | Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379 | Religion

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Object Illuminated folio from The Canons of St. Basil.has no cover

"Proclamations were formal public announcements issued by the chief governor and Privy Council of Ireland. They were used to emphasise and enforce existing laws. In this case, the proclamation refers to the Penal Laws, which discriminated against Catholics and Dissenters in

A Sense of Freedom | History | Dissenters, Religious

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Object Proclamation regarding Papists licensed to bear arms.has no cover

Painted Wood. 228 x 320 x 137 cm, The title of this work refers to the path of righteousness on which the good Christian must focus in order to win salvation. Mullarney's childhood fears of an unsympathetic, restrictive guardian angel are forcefully embodied in this piece.

A Sense of Freedom | Religion | Christianity

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Object The Straight and Narrow.has no cover