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Jackie has committed himself to community development work in Belfast since the 1970s. He is a co-founder and chief executive of the Greater Shankill Partnership, community led re

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Cork University Foundation [CUF] is a charitable organization, through which funds raised by the activities of Alumni and Development at University College Cork [UCC] are donated t

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In 2001, Cork University Foundation [CUF] was given €13,485,000 for a project titled UCC Library. With this funding, the foundation was to enable University College Cork to constru

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In 2001, Cork University Foundation [CUF] was given €14,195,000 for a project titled Nanoscience. With this funding, the foundation was to support the University College Cork [UCC]

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In 2001, Trinity Foundation was given €13,460,000 for a project titled Neuroscience Institute. With this funding the foundation was to support Trinity College Dublin’s [TCD] Insti

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Established in 1996, the Greater Shankill Partnership [GSP] is a community led regeneration agency in the Greater Shankill area of Belfast. GSP’s Board brings together community, e

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In 2001, Greater Shankill Partnership [GSP] was given £310,000 for a project titled Early Years Project. With this funding the organisation was to provide bridging support for the

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In 2001, the Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation was given €344,000 for a project titled Political and Victim's Programme with the purpose to enable the organisation to su

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Ian White is a co-founder and former chief executive as well as international and political programme director of the Glencree centre for peace and reconciliation. He was working

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Geoffrey Corry is a self-employed specialist in conflict resolution, mediation training and dialogue facilitation working through his own Athena Consultancy for the last twenty-thr

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