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‘Mr. Kennedy, one of Mr. de Valera’s secretaries, rang up Mr. Brew today. Told him that be brought Mr. Connolly [A.P. Connolly, Area Chairman, British Legion] yesterday to see Mr. de Valera….Mr. de Valera said that if the British Legion insisted on holding a meeting on 30 July,

20th century | World War, 1914-1918 | Irish National War Memorial

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Object Note of contents of telephone call [unsigned]cover

Painted text; acyrlic on 96 styrofoam panels, Shane Cullen is an Irish artist whose largely text-based work deals with political issues, often specifically with official documents and symbols. 'Fragmens Sur Les Institutions Republicaines IV' was made over a period of four y

A Sense of Freedom | Arts | Installations (Art)

Object type is image   Image
Object Fragmens sur les Institutions Républicaines IV.cover