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The NRA initiated the Archaeology and the National Roads Authority Monograph Series in 2003 to publish the papers given at its National Archaeology Seminars. The monographs are wri

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In recent years TII Archaeology and Heritage has sought to expand on the various methods it uses to communicate the results of archaeological investigations on road and light rail

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This collection consists of Terrestrial Laser Scan generated in the course of National Roads Schemes under the auspices of the NRA and RPA, now Transport Infrastructure Ireland. Fo

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Photographs of the artefacts discovered during the modern programme of excavations at Knowth passage tomb cemetery

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Ballyhanna: stories from the grave. This groundbreaking audio book tells the story of the archaeological excavation of Ballyhanna. In 2003 archaeologists discovered the remains of

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Objects (10)
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The Bronze Age Handling Box is a resource developed to enrich the teaching and learning of History at senior primary and post-primary levels. The Handling Box is made up of a selec

National Museum of Ireland

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Edited by Michael Stanley, Ed Danaher and James Eogan, and published in August 2009, this monograph contains the proceedings of the NRA National Archaeology Seminar held in the Gre

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Objects (17)
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