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Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is the national longitudinal study of children in Ireland, launched in 2006. It is carried out by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and

Irish Qualitative Data Archive

Objects (588)
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Audio clips from Cohort A (born 1916 - 1934) from the Life Histories and Social Change project. Clips were extracted from qualitative life story interviews that were conducted betw

Irish Qualitative Data Archive

Objects (41)
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Full-length interview transcripts from Cohort A (born 1916 - 1934) of the Life Histories and Social Change project. These qualitative life story interviews were conducted between 2

Irish Qualitative Data Archive

Objects (37)
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Audio clips from Cohort B (born 1945 - 1954) from the Life Histories and Social Change project. Clips were extracted from qualitative life story interviews that were conducted betw

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (53)
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Full-length interview transcripts from Cohort B (born 1945 - 1954) of the Life Histories and Social Change project. This is a collection of qualitative life story interviews that w

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (35)
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Collection of audio clips from Cohort C (born 1965 - 1974) from the Life Histories and Social Change project. Clips were extracted from qualitative life story interviews that were

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (18)
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Full-length interview transcripts from Cohort C (born 1965 - 1974) of the Life Histories and Social Change project. These qualitative life story interviews were conducted between 2

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (23)
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