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Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics and Substrata Limited (“Earthsound” & “Substrata”) were commissioned by Mr. N. Dunne, Project Archaeologist for Wicklow County Council National Roads Design Office, to execute a geophysical survey along the 15.3 km long route of the proposed N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement, County Wicklow. Wicklow County Council required an archaeological geophysical survey of the route, proposed to extend from the southern end of the N11 Newtownmountkennedy to Ballynabarny Road Scheme, to the northern end of the N11 Arklow Bypass. The overall aim of the survey is to help identify any hidden sites of archaeological significance. The N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement occupies a corridor length of 15.3 km; the total area of the road improvement will be approximately 180 hectares (ha). Permission for these works were granted by the Minister for Environment, Heritage & Local Government under Section 14A (2) of the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004: that a geophysical assessment is carried out in accordance with Section 3 of the method statement submitted to the Minister. Permission for fieldwork on the land, which is not currently owned by Wicklow County Council, was sought and given from the landowners and/or their representatives. The survey was undertaken under the Archaeological Works number A022/015 issued by the Project Archaeologist in accordance with the directions issued to Wicklow County Council by the Minister for Environment, Heritage & Local Government. A flint scatter (RMP WI 031:045) comprises the only recorded monument or place present within the proposed footprint of the road corridor. The route is not the subject of any legal instruments under the National Monuments Act (1930-94). The geophysical survey forms part of an integrated programme of archaeological assessment. Archaeologists from Margaret Gowen & Co Ltd. completed a desk study and walkover surveys in the period 2001 to 2004, as part of the EIA process. The geophysical survey will provide information on the location and extent of geophysical anomalies which may be of archaeological origin and will subsequently be assessed by archaeological test trenching. It is anticipated that test trenching will commence shortly after the completion of the geophysical surveys. Primary Archive held by Naas NRDO Secondary Archive held by Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics