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Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics were commissioned by Mr. C. McGuinness of Archaeological Consultancy Services Limited, to execute a geophysical survey within the Compulsory Purchase Order boundary of the proposed N25 Waterford Bypass, at a site identified as Woodstown 6 East, Woodstown (Baile na Coille), Kilmolash, County Waterford. Permissions to undertake the survey were obtained from Dúchas, The Heritage Service (Licence Number 03R098, dated 21/07/2003 – 01/09/2003) and the landowner’s representative (Mr. R. O’Brien, National Roads Authority Project Archaeologist, Waterford County Council). The geophysical survey was requested to determine the extent of a large number of archaeological features uncovered during a trial trenching scheme (Russell 2003). A preliminary assessment of six randomly chosen areas, each approximately 30m x 30m, was followed by a total area survey within the available land. Primary Archive held by Tramore House NRDO. Secondary Archive held by Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics.