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This report describes geophysical investigations carried out at two sites on the route of the proposed N9/N10 Northern Section Kilcullen - Powerstown road scheme in April 2003. A number of other sites of potential archaeological interest which may be affected by the road scheme were surveyed in November and December 2002, and have previously been reported on [1], but sites NR10 and N84 could not be surveyed at that time because of access restrictions. Site NR10 takes in areas to either side of the River Burren crossing (NGR S 774739), and N84 is a possible castle site (at NGR S 767731). They are located some 500m apart and 6 km to the south east of Carlow. The surveys were commissioned and co-ordinated by Valerie J. Keeley Ltd Archaeological Consultancy on behalf of Kildare County Council National Road Development office and the client Roughan & O’Donovan-Faber Maunsell Alliance. The work was carried out under Duchas Licence Number 02R141. Primary Archive held by Naas NRDO. Secondary Archive held by Bartlett-Clark Consultancy.