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Transcripts of life history interview with ‘Rob’ from Cohort B (Born 1945-1954) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection (see Related Materials); Male, Roman Catholic, married, and a father. Rob grew up in the mid-east of Ireland in a semi-rural environment. When recall

Family | Education | Religion

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Object LHArchiveB38 Interview with Robcover

Transcripts of life history interview with ‘Barney’ from Cohort B (Born 1945-1954) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection (see Related Materials); Male, Roman Catholic, unmarried. Barney is 1 of 11 living children in his family. He grew up in the mid-east of Ireland,

Family | Education | Religion

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Object LHArchiveB41 Interview with Barneycover

Transcript of life history interview with 'Aine' from Cohort C (born 1965-1974) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection; Female, Roman Catholic, married, and a mother. Aine grew up in the Dublin region, and recalls the strong sense of community that characterised the a

Family | Education | Immigration

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Object LHArchiveC11 Interview with Ainecover

Transcript of life history interview with 'Niamh' from Cohort C (born 1965-1974) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection; Female, Roman Catholic (lapsed), unmarried, mother. Niamh is 1 of 6 children in her family, and she grew up and has lived in the South East of Irel

Education | Family | Parenting

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Object LHArchiveC09 Interview with Niamhcover

Transcripts of life history interview with ‘Martin’ from Cohort B (Born 1945-1954) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection (see Related Materials); Male, Roman Catholic, married, father, and grandfather. Martin grew up in a rural environment in the Mid-West. His early

Agriculture | Education | Retirement

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Object LHArchiveB22 Interview with Martincover

Transcripts of life history interview with ‘Judith’ from Cohort B (Born 1945-1954) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection (see Related Materials); Female, Roman Catholic, married, stepmother, mother, and grandmother. Judith was born in the Dublin environs and moved to

Teaching | Religion | Parenting

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Object LHArchiveB20 Interview with Judithcover

This document contains a list of the interview codes, recommended pseudonyms and some descriptive information for interviewees. This document is designed to aid users of the collection in selecting cases and correctly referencing material.

Support documentation

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Object Life Histories and Social Change: List of intervieweescover

User guide document for the Life Histories and Social Change collection. This document contains the following: information on the background of the Life Histories and Social Change project • interviewee sampling information • the topic guide used by interviewers • the cons

Support documentation

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Object Life Histories and Social Change: User guidecover

Interview with Tony. Transcript of life history interview with 'Tony' from Cohort A (born 1916 - 1934) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection; Male, Managers, senior officials, legislators. Tony started off by sharing about his childhood, family and education. He then

Church and State | Emigration | Community Life

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Object LHArchiveA43 Interview with Tonycover

Interview with Clara. Transcript of life history interview with 'Clara' from Cohort A (born 1916 - 1934) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection; Female, Clerk, Mother. Clara shares her experience of her childhood in a farm, the animals with it, and of her experience

Customs and Traditions | Community life | Inheritance

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Object LHArchiveA38 Interview with Claracover

Interview with Rita. Transcript of life history interview with 'Rita' from Cohort A (born 1916 - 1934) of the Life Histories and Social Change collection; Female, Twin, Professional. Rita describes her childhood experience, her perception in the changes seen as compared to the pa

Church and State | Community life | Leisure time activities

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Object LHArchiveA35 Interview with Ritacover