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Pre-construction archaeological testing on the proposed N25 Waterford City Bypass identified an area of high archaeological potential in the form of pits, possible post-holes, burnt mound type material and a flint scraper in Granny townland, County Kilkenny. This work was comm

archaeology | excavation (sites) | pit

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Object Two Neolithic structures in Granny townland, Co. Kilkenny by Joanne Hughescover

The Bronze Age site at Ballybrowney Lower1 is one of the more notable archaeological discoveries made in County Cork in recent years. It represents a tantalising, if incomplete, insight into the lives of a small Bronze Age agricultural community. Evidence from archaeological e

archaeology | excavation (sites) | agricultural settlement

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Object Bronze Age Ballybrowney, Co. Cork by Eamonn Cottercover

This video presents a computer-generated 3D reconstruction of a Neolithic house discovered at Gortore 1 on the route of the M8 Rathcormac/Fermoy Bypass, some 3 km north of Fermoy town. It was excavated by Julianna O’Donoghue (Eachtra Archaeological Projects) in April 2005 and has

archaeology | House - Neolithic

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Object Early Neolithic house at Gortore, Co. Cork, Irelandcover

The construction of the N2 Carrickmacross Bypass provided a great opportunity to investigate the previously unknown archaeological resource of this part of County Monaghan. Nestled between a low drumlin to the north and a small river and large rocky outcrop to the sou

archaeology | excavation (sites) | pit

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Object Neolithic Monanny, County Monaghancover