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This thematic excerpt was derived from interviews with Repeal activists conducted for the project “Sharing Best Practices in how Civil Society Organisations use the Internet in Organising and Building for Socio-Economic Rights and Trust” funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC)

Reproductive rights | Pro-choice movement | Abortion

Object type is video Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights: Strategies for working in alliancescover

This thematic excerpt was derived from interviews with Repeal activists conducted for the project “Sharing Best Practices in how Civil Society Organisations use the Internet in Organising and Building for Socio-Economic Rights and Trust” funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC)

Reproductive rights | Pro-choice movement | Abortion

Object type is text Object type is video   Mixed Types
Object Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights: Building groups, Building confidencecover

The interviewee is a GP living in Cork City. In her childhood she was brought leafleting on issues at an early age, and as a teenager had access to second wave feminist books such as The Feminine Mystic. She became involved in Student Union activism in University and joined the c

Abortion | reproductive rights | Protest movements

Object type is audio Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights Interview with Mary Faviercover

Report from the project “Sharing Best Practices in how Civil Society Organisations use the Internet in Organising and Building for Socio-Economic Rights and Trust”. Funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC) and sponsored by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC)

Reproductive rights | Social Media | Online dispute resolution

Object type is text   Text
Object Using Digital Tools to Organise for Social Changecover