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As the National Development Plan 2000–2006 (NDP 2000) evolves, the traditional procurement mechanisms for large State-funded projects are giving way, in some instances, to a new arrangement for the procurement of infrastructure. This is known as the publicprivate p

archaeology | public-private partnership | risk management

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Object Public-private partnership (PPP) schemescover

The archaeological heritage is a non-renewable resource. An archaeological excavation is by definition destructive and irreversible. Therefore, the recording of all archaeological data (or preservation by record) is a fundamental duty that will permit the interpretation of what

archaeology | analysis and testing techniques | post-excavation analysis

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Object What is post-excavation work?cover

The nature of archaeological fieldwork has changed dramatically over the last two decades. This is immediately apparent in the near total eclipse of ‘research’ excavations by ‘predevelopment’ excavations. The uneven distribution of archaeological work, favouring hotspots of

archaeology | regulation | methodology

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Object The role of the Project Archaeologist and the Code of Practicecover

This paper outlines the methods used on the M4 Kinnegad–Enfield–Kilcock scheme to quantify archaeological risk in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Furthermore, it will seek to explain the benefit to the relevant stakeholders of quantifying the archaeological risk — namely,

archaeology | public-private partnership | risk management

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Object Archaeological risk and PPPs: the M4 Kinnegad-Enfield-Kilcock schemecover

Functions of the National Roads Authority The National Roads Authority (NRA) was established in 1994, as an independent statutory body under the Roads Act 1993. The NRA’s primary function is to secure the provision of a safe and efficient network of national roads. Its current

archaeology | regulation | methodology

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Object Archaeology and the National Roads Authoritycover

In the interests of an integrated market, fair treatment, equal opportunities, greater transparency and non-discrimination, the NRA is required to publish invitations to tender for contracted services throughout the European Union. This applies when the value of the serv

archaeology | procurement | contracts

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Object Public sector procurement of archaeological services and EU lawcover

The purpose of the paper is twofold. It will provide an introduction to the Institute as a body and to its aims in engaging with government and other organisations. Furthermore, a number of initiatives will be introduced which are of direct relevance to the topic under discuss

archaeology | professional associations | professional standards

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Object An introduction to the Institute of Archaeologists of Irelandcover

The N25 Waterford Bypass involves the construction of 23 km of dual carriageway and 15 km of single carriageway roads, with a new bridge crossing the river Suir. An estimated 273 ha of land will be acquired by Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). The scheme is one of the pilot Pub

archaeology | public-private partnership | risk management

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Object A PPP scheme case study: the N25 Waterford Bypasscover

Geophysical methods provide a non-invasive, non-destructive means of investigating and defining subsequent excavation targets in areas of known or suspected archaeological potential. Terrestrial methods rely on measuring contrasts in the properties, such as magnetism and elect

archaeology | geophysics

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Object Terrestrial and waterborne geophysical survey for road schemescover